You want to receive your products quickly and without damage, which is only logical. At E-MAX, you can trust blindly that the products will arrive quickly. Our delivery reliability has been unrivalled for many years, with a rating of 97%. We achieve this through our strategic locations, our own logistics centre, and smart logistics solutions. Because we use high-quality, sustainable packaging materials, your order is well-protected while underway.

E-MAX has a 15,000 m2 logistics centre. Our own transport trucks depart from this centre with customer deliveries. Thanks to the large storage capacity, E-MAX can provide a firm delivery time for a number of products. In a market with highly variable delivery times, we provide the reliability you can count on.

Magazijn met stappels opslag van aluminium profielen


We understand that you want to receive the products quickly, which is why we have a flexible product delivery system. Because we can deliver from stock and have our own transport we can make reliable agreements about fast delivery to our customers. We are also able to accommodate any special customer requests.

The logistical advantages at a glance:

  • Large storage capacity.
  • 97% delivery reliability.
  • Flexibility.
  • Packaging:
    • Standard (stretch film).
    • Platforms.
    • Dismantlable, stackable racks for transport and storage.
    • Customization possible.
  • Flexible, fully automatic packaging line.
  • Our own transport.
  • Call-off & direct-from-stock deliveries.
Opslagruimte met diverse aluminium profielen in verpakking